Helmeted guineafowl
'Numida meleagris'
Swahili: Kanga wa kawaida/ Chepeo
Best parks to see it: Widespread
The most widespread guineafowl in scrub, woods, savannah and grasslands, occupying areas generally more humid than the vulturine guineafowl. Its distinctive feature is the bony casque. Gregarious and present throughout the country except in the east region, and particularly abundant in the south and centre. There are four subspecies: 'N.m. meleagris' from the north to the limit of the Highlands, 'N.m. somaliensis' to the northeast and 'N.m. reichenowii' to the south, with 'N.m. mitrata' at the coastal strip.
Helmeted guineafowl at Mount Kenya Safari Club. J.Y./Kenyalogy.com